
Improving Email Delivery

“Nobody wants to be blacklisted. We’ve analyzed multiple email delivery providers, and have upgraded to a more reliable and secure solution”

We Have Your Back

Recently, we’ve noticed some security concerns with our original mail delivery provider. While it operated without a hitch before, we’ve witnessed a rise in emails flagged incorrectly as spam, a result of bad senders crippling our provider’s IP addresses

Introducing Mailgun

After careful deliberation, we decided to upgrade to a new delivery system called Mailgun. 8bitstudio has been testing Mailgun for a few months, and not only did it have a pristine sending history during this period, it comes with increased security as well.

This new email delivery provider comes with a suite of tools and tracking that make life easy, and registers with your website on a domain level, so it verifies your website’s contact form emails as legitimate while weeding out bad senders attempting to use Mailgun for spam.

To ensure your contact form maintains website security and performance, we’ve proactively replaced our previous provider with the new system, and have sent test emails for confirmation.

Implementing Mailgun comes with a small setup fee, but the great news is that you have increased security and reliability with no additional cost to your website’s yearly hosting. Take comfort in knowing that your contact form is running optimally.

Verifying Tests

A test email has been submitted via your website’s contact form. If you have not already, please forward that email to [email protected] so we can verify the update.

Extra Security

As an added bonus, we can configure a dedicated IP address for any website’s email delivery. Having a dedicated IP assigned to your website grants some of the highest level of security Mailgun has to offer. Mailgun provides this optional feature for $59/month.

Please let us know if you have any questions about Mailgun or are interested in acquiring a dedicated IP address for your contact form.

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