
20 Years Strong

Since 2005, we have been designing and developing custom websites. We believe in the solutions we craft and no matter the size of project or company, our goal has always been to offer the best quality and professionalism. Our focus is on the wellness of our team, our local community, our clients, and this beautiful world around us.


Be Curious

Speak with Candor

Move Fast

Own It

Do the Right Thing

Give Joy


Be Curious

Speak with Candor

Move Fast

Own It

Do the Right Thing

Give Joy

Giving Back

Invested in the BWCA
Community Sponsorship

“What I want for myself, I want for everyone. A chance to step out the door and into sacred nature, which is why I paddle, protect, and fight to preserve the Boundary Waters Wilderness.”

Erika Schroeder

Account Manager

We’re looking for talent & drive.

8bitstudio • For those with grand ambitions